"Thank you for the Cross"

Such a simple and complex thought all at the same time. 
One of my four year old students was indignant that her dad would say "Thank you for the cross." 
I shared with them why the cross was something to be thankful for.
The children all had the appropriate expressions of sadness and outrage that Jesus was arrested, beaten, mocked with a crown of thorns and put to death on the cross. 
I'm sure you can imagine it is a delicate balance of telling them the truth of the gospel without being too graphic. 
We talked about the nails in His feet and the spear in His side.  
Because of this little girl's comment, I gained a new appreciation for what He did in going to the cross for me. I looked at my students and said to them individually that they didn't have to go to the cross because Jesus went for them.
I don't know what it was but each of them got quiet and it was like 8 little light bulbs went off. 
The gospel became simple again and I was awestruck at the sacrifice that Jesus made for me and for the darlings I love so much.
I told them the sad story had a very happy ending.

"He is not here; He is risen, just as He said." Matt. 28:6.
Blessings to you at Easter!
Sprinkled with wonder,

Glass Tile Backsplash


In the downstairs guest bath, we went with the quartz backsplash that came with the counter. It looks clean and crisp and finished.

In the upstairs spare bath, I thought a little glass tile backsplash would be better than a wood back and side splash. Read about the counter here. I wanted something to add a little sparkle. I had the perfect tile in mind. It was glass with silver, black and white it even had a bit of mirrored tile in it. 
Not too specific, right? Well, I didn't find the one floating around in my mind's eye but I found a simple and pretty tile at Home Depot. It brought the shower area and the vanity area together.
It was a quick albeit messy install. (I hate dealing with grout!!!)
I cut the glass tiles to the height I needed and simply spread an adhesive and grout mix on the back. I loved working with glass tile. The pieces are small and cutting the mesh was easier than using that huge wet saw.

It is like frosting a cookie.
I had to cut a few of the tiles with my tile snip. 
The glass tiles were hard to cut. It took a few tries to get ones that didn't break but I only needed two cut tiles.

This whole backsplash was less than $30.00. Each 12X12 section of was $7.00. I think it provides some added drama for not a lot of money.  
I love it. 
It matches the paint in the potty/shower room perfectly. It brings the geometric motif from the floor into the vanity area.

One of my favorite things about this room is Granny Vi's pink chair. It is one of a pair and Rebekah has the other at her apartment. This one belongs to her too, but I'm hoping she will let me keep it. 
The neighbor across the street from us when we were growing up had a pink and black scheme in her entryway.  It was a big pink cabbage roses on a black ground. I had to be really young but I just loved her walls. I don't know if I was just a weird little kid or if it is a testament to how much I have always loved design. I like that this bathroom has that same vintage vibe. 
We always keep a lamp on in here.
The counter was $25.00. We used pine.The wood came from Home Depot.
The sink was $60.00. It is the Cadet by American Standard.
The faucet was $99.00 (You could find one cheaper for sure.) Bill wanted a Delta faucet. We went with chrome instead of brushed nickel for a vintage look. The sink and faucet came from Lowes.
The tile was $30.00. I found it at Home Depot. 
The black and white checked floor is about 10 years old. Home Depot had something similar in a hex tile.

I would do this all again in a heart beat. 
I'm looking around trying to decide if it would work in the kitchen or the master bath. We'll see. 
Sprinkled with sparkle,
Linking with,  
My Romantic Home  
Feathered Nest Friday  
The Charm of Home  
Jennifer Rizzo: Fabulously Creative Friday  
Funky Junk Interiors   
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia    
Between Naps on the Porch  
Savvy Southern Style  
The Farmhouse Porch- The Scoop   

Getting Rid of Household Bling

Oh, the brass in a 90's home.
I don't care what Genevieve Gorder or Candice Olsen say.
Brass in not back in my home and probably never will be.

I have seen episodes recently where both of these designers have put in brass fixtures.
I like brass. I really do
 but the brass in a home from 20 years ago was brass gone bad.
Everything in my home except the faucets was cheap plated stuff.
It was everywhere.
The faucets were real brass but they were so coated with lacquer that they didn't look natural.
Door knobs, hinges, cabinet hinges, faucets, shower faucets, the shower surround, the mirror surround. towel bars, toilet roll holders, light fixtures, switch plates, ceiling fans, hooks.
A complete load of awful.
It was a step by step and room by room process to de-bling my home.

Here is how I did it.
The first thing I did was spray paint some of the light fixtures. I replaced the ones that couldn't be painted with fixtures from yard sales and even with stuff from family.

I sponge or spray painted my awful ceiling fans.I didn't think these could be sprayed so I dabbed black and brown paint on them to make them look like crusty, rusty old southern ceiling fans that had been hanging outdoors. As they broke, I got fans in current finishes.
I replaced towel bars, robe hooks and toilet paper roll holders. I bought real brass with patina from yard sales or I went with sets from big box stores in current finishes. A complete set can run about $29.00. Walmart has the best price on their bathroom stuff.
The shower surround was next on the list. I spent weeks stripping it with Easy Off Oven Cleaner. After I stripped it, I buffed it with steel wool and a drimmel. I am thrilled to say that we are about to rehab our bathroom so this old shower will be history in just a few days!!!
 I stripped the Roman tub fixtures with oven cleaner too. 
We got replacement parts for the showers. Each shower needed shower heads, the connecting pipe, the faucet trim kit. The downstairs bath needed a tub spout. (The kid's bath was chrome:) Thank heavens sanity prevailed in at least one bathroom.

We replaced the upstairs doorknobs with brushed nickel and I spray painted the hinges. 

I spray painted the downstairs knobs and hinges.
We finally bought all new doorknobs for the downstairs.

The last of the bling was on the hinges in the kitchen. They  were painted when we painted the kitchen cabinets.

So am I off base in believing that gold is not back as some of the designers claim?


I won't be bringing it back to our home anytime soon. 
What are your thoughts?
Sprinkled with brass from a bygone decade,
Linking with,
Savvy Southern Style  
Coastal Charm  
Feathered Nest Friday 
 The Brambleberry Cottage

Trusting My Gut

 I think I may have mentioned when I did the post about the kid's vanity that we are doing a bath crash to the master bathroom. I found mold under some tile about a month ago.
We had a contractor come by and give us a bid. 
That process took a few weeks, but all it told us was that we really need to do most of this ourselves. It is hard to pay for a remodel of this magnitude when we have been DIYers for 30 years. We aren't used to paying for labor costs. It was a bit of shock to be faced with thousands of dollars for labor. In effect, Mr. Bill and I are too frugal (code for cheap) to pay to have it all done. We will let someone else tile the shower, install the plumbing and put in the shower surround, but the rest will be me. Bill will do what I can't. I will have a lot to blog about this summer. 

Anyway, I came home from work today ready to do some demo to the master bath. The plumber came last week and disconnected the gorgeous faucet on the faux marble tub. (Insert sarcastic face.) Tomorrow is trash day and I thought I could chip off enough tile to fill up a box. We very rarely put big stuff in the trash and they will usually take what I put out. 
I thought for sure the tub backsplash would almost pop right off in a big sheet. I was right. 
Now that I have updated you on the state of the master bath, I will get to the reason for this post. 
For years I have been dying to chip off the tile around the tub. All along I thought it would be an easy process. In fact my gut told me I could easily chip it off and put something with a little more sparkle. Something that would tie the old boring tile in with an updated tile for not a lot of money. 

I was pretty content with how the bath looked cosmetically. Oh it was 90's but at least it was white. My big beef was the discoloration to my tub. It was turning off white. I thought a tile that blended a little better and provided some glamour would do the trick.
I held back because Bill was resistant to the idea and I was a little afraid I might have to do some drywall repair. My instinct kept telling me, though, that it would be an easy update.  
Well today I found out how right my gut was. I used a small crow bar and a hammer and in about 30 minutes I had two sides completely finished. When they built the house they used a bullnosed tile. In order to create the bullnose they put another layer of sheet rock on the wall and tiled to it. 
That layer of sheet rock came off almost in one piece. If I had know there would be two layers, I would have pulled this off and enjoyed a bit more high-end tile around the tub.  
Oh well! I should have trusted my instinct and just gone with it one summer day when Bill was at work. I could have had it all done and cleaned up in one day. It would have been fun to see how long it took him to notice the change. ;) 

Here is what I found under the cultured marble tub. 

There does not appear to be mold growing under the wall of tile in the shower. It seems to be limited to the outside corner of the shower door and the corner under the tub. 
There was no mold under or near the tub.  
All this to say that my gut was kind of telling me this was a shower door problem. I got freaked out by the mold and I should have listened to my friend who said tear off the side panel of the tub and have a look. If we had done that, we could have seen the extent of the damage before we started throwing tile away. Bill may have said it was time for a new shower anyway, but we probably could have just gotten a new shower door. 

Don't you just love the construction debris? There was even a cigarette butt. I love that they were smoking in my house. I've never even let my family smoke in the house!

I will let you know what transpires.
Sprinkled with gut instinct,

Open Shelving Instead of Upper Cabinets

I've seen quite a few photos of kitchens with open shelving instead of upper cabinets. 

What do you think of this trend?
It is super cute, but is it practical?
I know myself.
I would have great plans to keep things neat and organized but in reality I wouldn't be able to keep my stuff as neat as a magazine photo.
I would have to weigh some factors before I ripped out my cabinet uppers and installed shelves.

would totally do something like this if my cabinets or my cabinet doors were in horrible shape and there was no repairing or painting them. 
It would be a cheaper alternative to installing new uppers which is why many home owners have resorted to this option. 
My sister did it many years before it was trendy.
When I took some cabinet doors off in my kitchen I thought through the storage I would loose and decided that the impact outweighed the loss of a storage. Read about how I did it here. 
My little nooks are filled with my brown transferware that I don't use so nothing ever gets out of place. 
My pantry
Oh, how I miss Hostess, Coffee Cakes. 

laundry room
are testaments to the realities of my everyday life. 
These open shelves looked wonderful for photo's but everyday life gets in the way. 
 Junk gets put on the shelf no matter how cute things look on photo shoot day. 
What do you all think?
This is a darling look, but will it last?

Is it a look for you?
Sprinkled with open shelving,

Photos courtesy of Houzz.
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