Happy Wednesday!
Mr. Bill and I are spreading out in our empty nest.
Here is what we looked like 13 years ago. I think it's time for a new family portrait.
It doesn't seem possible that after 27 years the nest is empty. It only happened a few weeks ago so we are still adjusting to this new normal. We spent New Year's Day spreading out our closets. I was able to move all my spring and summer clothes to an extra bedroom closet. I put them in the closet of the room I staged as a dressing room.
Finally, For the first time since we moved into this house Bill has his own closet. He has had to share one side of his with all of my out of season clothes. Poor thing his side was cramped. I am not exactly the queen of neat when it comes to closets, drawers, cabinets etc. My stuff tended to multiply and morph to his side. He has been so patient with me.
He decided to build some storage. He amazes me. Last weekend he measured and got busy busting out a storage system. He built it in a day and half and then stained it the next weekend.
Here is what his storage looked like before.
Here is what it looks like now. Completely custom to fill the space. I can't wait to show you what else he has been up to recently.
He got a template from Rockler to do the holes for the shelves. It looks professional.
He can move the little brackets to adjust shelf height. I love that he adjusted the height to fit his shoes and boots. He stained this piece a danish modern color and finished it with shellac. Shellac has fallen out of favor with the popularity of polyurethane, but it gives the wood a rich glow.
I will repurpose the old components from Home Depot for my accessories closet.
Next up the pantry. Needs some work! It should not look like this for just two people.
Sprinkled with organization,
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