Spray Painted Door Knobs

 My big project this week is a copy cat of something I had pinned on Pinterest. 
I was so sick of my blingy door knobs that I was determined to spray paint them this week. I would have done it earlier, but I was in a dilemma about what to do with the downstairs knobs. Upstairs we have replaced them all with brushed nickle. The downstairs really needed oil rubbed bronze to match the front door  but I thought the whole house should be the same if we ever decide to sell. I didn't want to spend a lot of money on new knobs for the downstairs if I would have to replace them with brushed nickle later on or if oil rubbed bronze went out. I know I am late to that party.  I figured for a couple of cans of spray paint I could join in that party and it would not have to cost me a fortune to replace everything. I am irked by the whole ORB thing and I will explain that in a minute. First let me show you the photos. This took 2 days and I am exhausted. I need to go back to work so I can relax. Ha ha .
 I used Rust-oleum Metallic Oil Rubbed Bronze. This is not a hammered finish. 
I didn't prime, (I probably should have) I just did a few light coats. I did hit these with sand paper a little just to knock down the shine.

Here is my work station. If I had a bigger piece of cardboard I could have done more at a time. I don't know that it mattered but I was trying to put each knob back on the door I took it from in case they fit differently. 
I did not do the little latch plates. Mine were really tarnished and they look already bronze.  
Here is the view down to the guest room. 
See why they need to be ORB? The front door is very dark. Now if I can just get my oak cabinets to look like my front door.  

From the kitchen I can see five doors. Imagine all that bling. 
 Okay here is my pet peeve about oil rubbed bronze. The chandelier which is only a few years old is the supposedly the same finish. It looks more brown where the spray paint is more black. I love it, but I think each manufacturer has a little different interpretation of the ORB color. 
Any way...

Do you like my flowers? Mr. Bill picked those out for me for spring break. 
Aww! He is so sweet. 

Can you see the old blingy knob? Yeah!! I am so glad they are gone.

Here are a couple of real thoughts. These are not perfect. One can of paint  seemed to glob more than the other, so I grabbed a third can. They also feel a bit gritty, kind of weird when you are used to grabbing a smooth door knob. I am hoping they will smooth out a bit. 
It was messy, hard work. I lost track of time and worked so late that I missed cooking dinner. Mr. Bill knew that a low blood sugar moment was at hand (not pretty) so he whisked me away to eat even though I was almost finished. I did all the knobs one day and the next day I went back and did the hinges. 
When I did the hinges upstairs I took each door off and removed the hinges. By the time I got to the last door... duh! I realized I could do one hinge on each door put them back and do the other. That way I was not moving doors. I recommend doing all the tops first because they are harder to put back on. Do the hardest thing first while you are fresher. :) 
Well, that is it. I am one step closer to de-blingifying my 90's home.

I am so pleased with how that came out I moved to the powder bath and did the faucet. I will give an honest appraisal of that project as well. 
I will show that in another post.

Sprinkled with Oil Rubbed Bronze,


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