White Pumpkins and Fall Mantel

I have been seeing all the white pumpkins in magazines the last few years.
I have been making pumpkins like crazy since I found a good tutorial.

I made some cute ones to go on top of my 

I made some black, white and lime ones during our labor day weekend crafty weekend..

Last weekend I got busy making some bigger ones for an antique basket for my hearth. 
I used white burlap,
white quilted fabric
 a drop cloth.

I stitched up various sizes while I was watching HGTV.
I trimmed them out with greens, black, burlap and berries and
I set them on the hearth.

I ran to get my passport photo. While I was gone for about 35 minutes the hot mess had destroyed all my work!!

Here they are before the destruction.
I was too annoyed to take a picture of the destruction.

Really she just chewed off the sticks and trim.
I got the glue gun back out and retrimmed them all.

I put them all back together and took pictures. I will tell you right now that this dog will not be left alone with these pumpkins again.

I've had this basket forever. 
It was my grandmothers. 
It's in its "as found" state.

It usually only comes out for 
pumpkins in the fall.

I can picture her using it in her garden.

I popped a white pumpkin from Michael's in the garden trellis.

I picked up these deep toned daisies at the grocery store.

 The gate started out black. I found it in the garden area at Home Depot. It was only $14.95.

A little white spray paint and some metal embellishments and it's done.  

 I love my new white mantel. I am sure you all are sick of it by now.
I couldn't add too much color for fall.
I am just to wild about the lighter palette.
There you have it, my first fall display.
There will be plenty more coming. :)
Sprinkled with white pumpkins,

Linking with some of my favorite parties,
Please be sure to check them out.
Savvy Southern Style
The Brambleberry Cottage 
Primp Your Pumpkin at Debbie Doos 
White Wednesday @ Faded Charm 
I Gotta Create 
French Country Cottage


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