Updating A Diamond Necklace

Totally switching gears today, but I am so excited about one of my latest ideas.
I love jewelry.
 I have the sweetest husband and he indulges my wish for some bling.
We may be sitting at a garage sale table or sleeping on a garage sale bed (not the mattress, people) but I like jewelry.
(Trade off)
I have been wearing either white gold and/or silver consistantly for about 5 years or so.
 A few years ago the fashionistas said yellow gold was back in style. I was thrilled but it wasn't back for long, maybe a season or two. 
Bill got me a heart necklace similar to this one for our 15th anniversary. 
Source: Ebay
I loved it and wore it everyday for years and years. 
 I haven't worn it for more than a day or two at a time for the last 10 years or so.
I noticed it in my jewelry box the other day when I was looking for something else. It seemed a little wasteful to have something like that laying around. I don't think I will wear it much until gold comes back in style. Not that I care so much about that, but everything else I am wearing lately is white gold. 
Getting the diamonds reset just does not make sense. Last time I had to have a stone set it was $35.00 for one stone. 1,2,3,4,5, ummm. NO!
I had my anniversary band Rhodium dipped two years ago. It cost $30.00 and it didn't really work on a ring because of all the cleaners I use at school.  I figured a necklace wouldn't come into contact with any chemicals.
So I dropped it off at my jewelers.
I couldn't wait to pick it up.


$30.00 is all it cost to have a piece Rhodium dipped. 
I was amazed. I love it and will wear this updated version of a gorgeous piece.
It got me thinking. 
What else do I have to dip???

Do you have a sentimental piece you aren't wearing? 
Have it Rhodium dipped at a reputable jeweler.
Sprinked with Rhodium,


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