Antique Washstand

I got it in my head that I wanted an old white washstand.

 I'd seen a few cute ones while antiquing out in the country.
They ranged in price from $250-$400 but they weren't painted white. I did see a blue one but I didn't want that color.
I saw a white one while antiquing out at the lake but it was a little more chipped and worn than I normally prefer. It was also about $225 and it looked like it had been left out in the rain. 

The abandoned cabin in Colorado had one on the porch but the mice had already taken up residence. 
I finally found one in my price range when a local furniture consignment store was having a sale. 

I tried it up in Rebekah's room. I thought I would like the look of two semi-matching pieces as night stands.
I didn't care for it. 

Rebekah moved out last weekend and took an oak bookcase for her extensive book collection.

I was really happy to get rid of the last bit of oak in the living room and she was happy to have some more book storage.

Once we painted the old oak kitchen cabinets in the kitchen, all my other orange oak furniture downstairs didn't seem to make sense.

With a few changes this little piece will fit in great.

I took off the towel bar.

Usually I prime first and then paint with oil base enamel.
I was feeling excessively lazy so I skipped the primer.

It was a mistake because then the enamel 
needed two coats and
I had to wait for about 10 hours for the washstand to be dry enough for the second coat. 
I learned my lesson. I won't be skipping the primer again. Primer dries in about a half hour.

I hit the handles with ORB spray paint and them scuffed them up when they were dry.

Washstands like this would have had little porcelain casters.
I didn't have any in my stash so I ran up to an
 Ace Hardware. 

I was planning on re-doing the banister this summer but the bathroom remodel has me a little done in. That project is on hold for now.

I got the old ice cream bucket for Christmas. It's perfect for dog toys.

I think it is darling.

It brightens up the corner of the living room and
I get another tabletop to decorate.
I love that it is another little spot of white in the room.

It's so cute.

Linking with,
Savvy Southern Style  
Funky Junk Interiors 


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