School Days!

It's time to return to school. 
 When I was a stay at home mom I felt conflicted about the start of school. I was ready for the kids to be back in a routine but I knew that I would miss the laid back days of summer.
Does this resonate with anyone?

As a teacher I feel a pull to be back in the classroom doing what I love.

I start gravitating toward all things school and apples in August and September as I think about decorating my classroom.  

 I will be honest, last year I didn't want to go back to school at all. I didn't feel that pull. I wondered if it were time for me to focus on my blog and a second career connected with it.  
 I wondered if it were time to retire but a few things were holding me back. 
The beautiful ladies I work with
a new batch of little darlings. 
I had already signed my contract so not returning wasn't even an option.  

 I threw myself into loving my class, having a wonderful time and doing the best I could to meet the needs of my kids.
It was a good but difficult year for a number of reasons so I was further convinced that my time at my precious school was coming to an end.  

 I continued to pray about it and a wonderful thing happened. 
Almost every time I contemplated retirement I got a note.
A note telling me or a note telling my headmaster how I had impacted their child and their family. 
It did so much to encourage me and restore my faith that I was exactly where I was supposed to be. 

So it is with renewed excitement I return to school. 
I can't wait to see what God is going to do this year. 


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