Magic Mushrooms and a Sunny Space

The garden room/sunroom is one room where we can have a little whimsy.

At Christmas I was pondering the "why" of the mushroom ornament as I have several old ones. I pulled them out to put on my Woodland Christmas tree. I'd never done any research about the 
Amanita Muscaria and I wondered why they were so prominent at Christmas.

I googled it. 
Some folklore has it that reindeer ate mushrooms and then pranced around. Thus they had the ability to fly Santa around the world. The little red capped mushroom with the white spots has hallucinogenic properties. Cases of poisoning were reported but it's a rare occurrence now.

 Mushrooms were depicted in Victorian children's literature and were often seen as homes for gnomes and fairies. 
I was at Hobby Lobby after Christmas looking for some inspiration and noticed that they had a fairy garden aisle.

The aisle is chocked full of anything to create a fairy garden but I thought that the mushrooms and gnomes would be a cute accessory in the garden room.

It's something different and 
the gnomes can help take care of the plants at night. ;)
I didn't want to overdo it but I did want to sprinkle a few around the room to help brighten up these dreary days.

Well, I love a little whimsy and I love red and white. 
They proved too irresistible.

I particularly thought this guy and a mushroom looked cute in the birdcage. 
I also loved this tiny house and these "log" flower pots.

I picked up this little door with the red heart and a Mrs.

One of the kids made the terra cotta gnome in elementary school. 

The whole room got a really good cleaning. 

I love this room at this time of year. Bright and cheerful on a cold winter day.
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