Did You Get The Memo?

I have been crazy about memo boards lately. 
I don't really need them. I pin a lot of my "memos" on pinterest so I don't need to post inspiration around the house. I would love to have a girly office, but I blog from the couch.
Still I love them and have been seeing a few different things as memo boards that really aren't . Repurposing them is just too fun.

It started with this old screen I picked up at the builder supply. 
I decorated it with little pieces and bits. I was so pleased with it, I bought another one on our last little weekend at the lake.

There are about 4 little towns for antiquing around the lake house and we rotate towns each time. I find something just about each time. The prices are so much cheaper than in the city. 

The tole tray was $12.00 if you can believe that. The ironstone pitcher was $14.oo. I have something fun planned this summer for the little fruit baskets.

I had been eyeing this screen for months and finally broke down and got it.  It is adjustable to fit any window that doesn't have screens. 
Although I feel very sorry for those that relied on a screen to cool them in the Texas heat. 

I have the perfect little spot in my sunroom. Read about my sunroom redo here.

Did you know that vintage screening was magnetic?
I had no idea. But it is and I was thrilled with the possibilities.
I gathered some cute magnets.
 My brothers and I at Mackinac Island. 
The vintage sheet music came from a recent trip to the thrift. I had been lamenting the fact that I gave a huge stack away a number of years ago. I was tickled to find a stack that belonged to an organist in town.
Mr. Bill thinks I've totally lost it with the ORB spray paint. I sprayed all my refrigerator magnets. 

 I've been going a little buggy around here.  
What do ya think?
Sprinkled with a vintage screen,
Linking with,
Newbie Party @ Debbie Doos 
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch 
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style 
DIY by Design: Swing into Spring Party
You have got to stop by these blogs. 
They have helped me so much. I want to help them! 


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