Calico Apples

I was looking for a pumpkin tutorial (more on that later) and found a fabulous one over at the The Cottage Home 
Thank you google images. 
I picked this tutorial because of how cute these pumpkins were and because she put tutorial on her photo. 

While I was mired in orange 
fabric everywhere, I realized that the same method could be used for apples. I have a cute collection of apple things that I have gotten over the years from my darlings at school. 
So I busted out my red calico fabrics. 

Wait a minute!! 

In a rare fit of organization, I gave almost all my fabric scraps away.
Instead... I ran up to Walmart and stocked up on some cute fabrics to make a bushel of apples.

I love Walmart's fabric department. I was shopping recently at another retailer and was shocked at how high everything was.
Walmart had several cuties in the $2.50 bin. 
This irritates however, because the bin used to be the $1.00 and $2.00 bin. I really think Walmart sneaks in some roll forward prices at times.

This process was moving pretty slow until I began doing things assembly line style.  Sewing them back to back without stopping in between fabrics saves time. Just snip the tread in between calicoes.

I hand gathered the bottom of each apple. It was much easier and faster rather than messing with the sewing machine and trying to gather these small apples. 

I hand gathered the tops too. 

The fun part is decorating the tops with various ribbons and twigs. 

Right before inservice starts at school I will switch out my  decor in the kitchen. I'll put the cute cherries away.  Read about it   I'll sprinkle a few apple things out for September. I am sick of the sea shells and it is too early for other fall stuff. 

Check out The Cottage Home pumpkin tutorial and make some pumpkins or apples for yourself.
What do you think?
One of these with a gift card attached would be a perfect "apple" for your child's teacher. 
Happy Crafting!
Linking with,
Savvy Southern Style


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