Living Room Tour

I haven’t showed you much of my living room.
Beware this post is heavy laden with pictures.
The light in here isn’t the best so it is very hard to photograph.
When I posted about my summer mantle I took about 50 pictures. Originally I was supposed to write about our spring mantle but I never got a single good shot of it in the spring. 

I have been trying to catch a few good mornings to take some pictures of this room. 
As you enter the front door the dining room is to the left and the stairs are directly across from the front door.
 Please excuse the dog paw. I didn't see her until I was editing. Those of you with dog, know how badly they want to help blog!

 Mr. Bill doesn't sit in his chair in this room so it gets piled with pillows.

Okay, everything is piled with pillows.

You might have been one of the three people to see a post about the love seat I pulled out of the trash one morning. I recovered it a few years ago.
 I've draped dropcloths over the brown to lighten it up. It is the first step toward a slipcover.
  I made the pillows with muslin and jute webbing.
  This table behind the loveseat is a unique, family piece. I will show more of it in another post. 

The view of the music nook from the couch. 
We had news this summer about the piano. Swamp Cooleritis from the old days has ruined it. 
Which leads us to the armoire. 
We have had this piece of furniture for eons.
I spied it in a little mom and pop antique store in the town where we were living.
Money was so tight back in those days that we bought it with our tax return shortly after we were new parents.
It was a whopping $225.00. 
We bought this piece to store the T.V. I didn't want the T.V. to be the focus of our family. I wanted it hidden away.
I think it worked. 
All three of our kids say they don't watch a lot of  T.V. :) 

  As a new blogger I took this picture. 
I can't tell you how tickled I was to find a picture with the T.V. on!!! Do you see the sock or something under the bench?
The doors are open almost all the time so it has to look cute inside.

I think I only close them for parties. 
You know what? 
I am not even sure I close them then.

 Mr. Bill put shelves in it. 
I needed places for knick knacks,
 ummm... I mean stereo components ;)
I wanted a neutral backdrop so I turned all the books around.
I moved the speakers from the top to the inside.


 Cream and white accessories as well as my new mulberry transferware platter are at home. My sis-in-law got me the platter for my birthday.
She is my partner on many an antique jaunt. I'm sure she has seen me pick up tons of purple plates. 
I am in love with it!!

Rebekah got me this little dog ornament for Christmas, just 10 days after we lost my beloved lap dog. How she found one to look like him, I don't know.  

Another broken clock. I love clocks. 

For the top, I took this birdcage that was destined for my favorite resale shop.
Now it sits on top with a cute wire basket and a 
fleur-de-lis that got schmooked with paint.
We got the mirror from Bill's mom. No one else wanted it because they thought it was too gaudy.
I proudly stated  that it wasn't too gaudy for me!

 The paint color is Softer Tan by Sherwin Williams. 
We did the tiling ourselves after the big flood. 
A pipe burst under the powder room sink. 
An inch of water and $13,000 in damage. 
We wanted Saltillo but it looked horrible in here ,so we went with a thicker grout line to get a similar effect.

I showed you some of my summer decor items, read about them 
I have a few more cute things on the other side to of the room.
 I got this old oil painting at an antique shop in Corpus Christi. 
You would think that they would be easier to find on the coast but cute vintage ocean inspired paintings are very hard to come by.This one looks like it is dated 1874. But I think it is 1974.
I'm sure the cute stork was one a nursery planter, but I don't care.

Vintage nursery planters make good decor for seasons or to round out a collection of something.
I am captivated by this shell encrusted box.

I hope you like the room. I am sure you are wondering how a person can live with so much junk!!
I tried to lighten up and pare down when we had our flood about 7 years ago. I just managed to refill it.

I am loving little hints of purple with the creams and whites.
I made stuff out of anything, two years ago I couldn't find purple fabric anywhere. Now I have started seeing it more.

 Excuse me while I go pack up a few knick-knacks.
If you would like, I'll come back and talk about some of the specific items. 
But... you might be so horrified at the number things in here, you won't be back.

Sprinkled with a room to live in,
Linking with,
The French Country Cottage 
Funky Junk Interiors


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