My Chalk Paint Fail

I am about half way through my first chalk paint project.
I used Ce Ce Caldwell Chalk Paint rather than another product because there is a retailer close to my house.
But it is pricey.
This paint is supposed to be very green and good for the environment. An added benefit is that there is supposed to be no sanding and prep work except cleaning.

There was no odor. 
I went with chalk paint for the downstairs bathroom vanity, because I thought it would work better with a piece that wasn't real wood in places. 
 I think I was wrong about that.
Even with two coats of paint, the finish seemed to scratch right off.
I did a coat of clear satin poly and the original wood bled right through even though it was not at all visible with the chalk paint. 

So I did another coat of chalk paint.
 I will leave it "as is" for now.
I love the color and I didn't like the way the clear poly changed the color. 
I don't understand why clear poly isn't clear.
Now this may be user fail instead of product fail because as I look on-line the pieces do have a distressed look.

I have so many "distressed" pieces around here that I don't really need anymore. 

So far I have put more coats of paint on the vanity than if I had stuck with my 
primer and Sherwin Williams Satin Enamel. 

Sure I would have had to rough up the finish with sand paper a bit but I wouldn't have had to paint as many coats as I did on this.

Bill came home from a weekend away and he loved it.
S0, I will leave it for now and see how the finish lasts.

 If the finish doesn't hold up to the water and elements,
I will color match it with something from Sherwin Williams.


Thanks for stopping by,
Sprinkled with chalk paint,
Linking with,
Between Naps on the Porch
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia  
Savvy Southern Style 
French Country Cottage 


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