My New MacBook Pro

I am so excited to be writing my first post on my new MacBook Pro.
I can't wait to get to know this new computer. 
My music was the first thing I uploaded.
 Email loaded as soon as I put my Apple info in.
I was worried about transferring pictures, but it turned out to be no big deal.
My children recommended this machine.
They thought I would have fewer problems with viruses.
So far it has been pretty easy.
I needed a new laptop
and I knew that I would have to learn Windows 8.
I've done a little research and read that there are a few kinks with that new operating system. 
So, I thought if I had to learn something new, I needed to get a Mac.
I need to figure out how to set my bookmarks and get a 
"Pin it" button for Pinterest.
It took longer to do my photos than I am used to.
I have been putting this purchase off since the summer. 
I wasn't excited about a learning curve, but it has been great so far. 
Sprinkled with Apple,


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