Little Rose Oil Painting

I am always working on something. 
If you were to come for a visit you would rarely find things the same way twice.
 I have to remember that not everything has to be a big project to make the cut for a blog post. 
I told you about my chalk paint fail.
I used it on our powder room vanity but I really didn't like using it. It seemed messy.

But I do love it for my random picture frame projects.
It looks good on an adorable painting that I picked up at the thrift store a long time ago.
 While I loved the painting, I didn't love the gold frame. The gold didn't flow with the naive quality of the painting. 
I didn't worry about perfection when I painted it.
I was happy to have it look like it had been laying around in a dusty antique shop.
But I love the painting now that is white. 

 It looks great with the vintage Ethan Allen clock that was a $5.00 find at Goodwill. 

Sprinkled with chalk paint,

Linking with,
French Country Cottage


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