Deck 2013

We finished the deck about 5 or 6 years ago.
It was in need of a new coat of stain.
I got out there the first week I was finished with school before it got too hot.
I rolled it with a regular paint roller and then swept it with a deck brush. 
It didn't take too long but I really was sick of it by the time all was said and done. 
I decided to decorate with cool greens this summer.
The color was inspired by my cute vintage picnic basket. 
and the bird house I got for my birthday.
We used to use the trunk to house the propane tank. 
I'm thinking about repainting it but it is a great little side table.

 The baker's rack needed a good cleaning. Every few years I give a once over with some white spray paint. 
 I cleaned up the chandelier thinking it might go in the new bathroom but it didn't make the cut. 
 I cut the wire off and stuck candles in the sockets and looped a length of chain to hang it from the umbrella.
Bill isn't sold on the idea. 
 I love chandeliers. I think they deserve a spot everywhere. 

The cute yellow plastic dinnerware was from another picnic basket. 
I'd forgotten it was even in there.
I love its vintage/retro color.

We had several of these school clocks. 
This one was found in the trash by my son. It actually works. 
I love, love vintage Coleman lanterns. We don't take them camping anymore but they are perfect for evenings on the deck.

I'm still loving my step ladder end table. 
I pulled out all my blue and green pots-vintage and new. 

Here is what the deck looked like last fall. It really needed to be spruced up then.
Here it is now.
The temps finally hit the 100s this week.
I'm sad that we didn't have a few more weeks of cooler weather. 
 I really can't complain. 
We had a marvelously cool spring. 
I just wish it had held on a little longer. 

Old Glory

A young sea captain, William Driver, was given a flag for his ship. 
He started calling it Old Glory.
Legend has it that Old Glory was hidden in a quilt to keep it safe during the Civil War. It was later given to the Smithsonian by his grandchildren. 
So here is my question for you.
   Should all flags have the nickname Old Glory or should that honor be reserved for that glorious flag that now hangs in the Smithsonian?
I was reminded of a what used to be a popular scout song.
The Grand Old Flag 
You're a grand old flag,
You're a high flying flag and forever in peace may you wave.
You're an emblem of the land I love.
The home of the free and the brave.
Ev'ry heart beats true, neath the red, white and blue,
where there's never a boast or a brag.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old flag.
While I was waiting for my un-fun procedure the other day,
I created a 4th of July board.
I was so inspired by all the beautiful photos!
I headed out to the garage to get my tote of summer decor and was surprised that I could't find a thing. I think I threw most of it away because it was old and the garage was too crowded.
Stuff was on sale at Joanns and Michaels so I was able to pick up some new flags and some other goodies to sprinkle about the house. The little flags were 2 for a $1.00. Perfect for sticking in a flower pot. 
I made a wreath out of some red berries and one of my flags. The inspiration came from a darling pin I saw.
I had some thoughts while I was joyfully puttering around the house and yard. 
We live in such a great land. 
I think sometimes I forget that in the wake of an election or a vote that doesn't go my way. 
I am so tired of this party and that party fighting over stuff.
Could we all not just look at the flag and get along for a moment? 
Let's remember that our freedom isn't free,
 It was paid with the personal sacrifice of many. 

Freedom doesn't mean we have the right to expect our leaders to give us everything we want or we think we need. 
I think it means we listen to each other and our leaders act in accordance with the will of the people.
When was the last time looking at the symbol of our freedom brought tears to your eyes or gave you goose bumps? 
The Stars and Stripes
The Grand Old Flag
Old Glory
The Red, White and Blue
I hope on this 4th of July you will pull out some flags,
think about our freedoms and get a good old fashioned case of the goose bumps! 
Feathered Nest Friday   
Coastal Charm 
Funky Junk Interiors

Photos ripped off.

I need some help from my blogger friends. I was looking at my stats trying to figure out why my numbers were unusually high. 
I decided to do some google searches for my most searched key phrases. When I did a Google image search I saw one of my photos. When I clicked on it I saw that it had a different link on the bottom, not a link back to my blog. It was linking to The gave me credit in one photo. They chopped off my watermark in all three. It seems very intentional and rude to chop off Let's Add Sprinkles. I really never thought I would have to worry about this because I am a small fish but I am annoyed. I did another search-re-wording it a little. My photo was the fourth one but it was linking to that other site. It could have been linking back to my site. 
I did email them and informed them that I was not asked. Do you know anything about stepbystep? I remember Debbiedoos had the same issue with one of her photos. 
What would you do? Any info would be appreciated. Should I change my watermark on my pictures so that it runs across the middle? I think I would hate that. 

Visit to San Antonio

I think I mentioned that I would be in San Antonio for a few days. 
I wanted to show you some of my sister and her husband's darling house. 
They have lived here for about 20 years and  
she had  often said it was the ugliest house on the block.
 They knew all along they could remodel and transform it into a gem. They didn't realize it would take 18 years. 
About three years ago they moved out and loaded most of what they owned in a pod. 
It took nine months to push out walls and turn a walk through laundry room and carport into a kitchen 

and family room. 
 The rest of the houses on the street are cute 50s ranch colonials. Their house had a more modern mid-century vibe. It wasn't really possible to make their house match the other  houses on the street so they went in a totally different direction.
 My sis and her husband love Santa Fe and San Antonio is a great city to incorporate Adobe or Pueblo style architecture
She has sprinkled in family treasures, artistic pieces, organic materials and collected finds to create a fun, unique and comfortable look.

Karin said her style is earthy, artistic, minimalist.  
  It is very Spanish revival meets Texas chic. 

They have reworked family heirlooms to mesh with their offbeat style.
A painting of Karin's grandmother painted by her grandfather. Her grandmother was 14 at the time.
As much as possible they have included items found on Craig's List

and at auction. 
Original sub floors.

along with the family pieces.
I love her mix of organic and natural materials 

chunky textures.

Her husband is an absolute wiz at building things for the family.
Stucco wall and stone patio.

I think they have created a one of a kind space that is a great mix for their fun and zesty family.

Thanks for coming along,

Between Naps on the Porch   
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia  
Savvy Southern Style

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