Photos ripped off.

I need some help from my blogger friends. I was looking at my stats trying to figure out why my numbers were unusually high. 
I decided to do some google searches for my most searched key phrases. When I did a Google image search I saw one of my photos. When I clicked on it I saw that it had a different link on the bottom, not a link back to my blog. It was linking to The gave me credit in one photo. They chopped off my watermark in all three. It seems very intentional and rude to chop off Let's Add Sprinkles. I really never thought I would have to worry about this because I am a small fish but I am annoyed. I did another search-re-wording it a little. My photo was the fourth one but it was linking to that other site. It could have been linking back to my site. 
I did email them and informed them that I was not asked. Do you know anything about stepbystep? I remember Debbiedoos had the same issue with one of her photos. 
What would you do? Any info would be appreciated. Should I change my watermark on my pictures so that it runs across the middle? I think I would hate that. 


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