Shabby, Cottage Chair

I found the perfect shabby chippy chair at my favorite thrift. 
A fun spring green under the white. 
A wonderful red popping through as well. 
I took a quick pass around the store after dropping off a few things. 
I saw this cutie a couple of weeks ago and I talked myself out of it. 
I didn't need another chair. 
I have plenty of chairs.
 But chairs just seem to find their way into the back of my truck for some reason. 
I decided it would be the sweetest seat for my bathroom after the remodel.
At first I could visualize it in the finished space, but then as things started to come together I realized it wasn't meant to be.
This one is a little more casual than the space upstairs turned out to be.
It has been at the kitchen desk the last few weeks. 
The longer it sits here the more I am smitten.
I guess I will just have to keep looking for the perfect chair for the bathroom. 


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