Banister Painted!

I have never liked our banister - never.
 I remember thinking it was ugly the first time we toured the house.

We always planned on redoing it.
I wanted something like this.

Source: The Blooming Hydrangea

When those waned in favor, I wanted something like this.

Source: Pinterest
We never had the money for a redo.
Three kids, 5 cars, college....
The list could go on and on.
 I chose to ignore the banister. 
I flat out chose not to notice it anymore.
When I finished altering my mantel, I tried to figure out how I could add lumber to the newel posts.
I couldn't figure it out.
Ignore, ignore, ignore.
I thought about getting the carpenter out to see what he could do but other projects were more pressing.
Ignore, ignore, ignore.

I tried to make it darker with stain a few weeks ago but I could still see the orange when the sun moved to the back side of the house.
Ignore, ignore, ignore.

Source:Country Living

I've been thinking about Christmas and looking at Pinterest.
I started seeing all these wonderful banisters dripping with swags of garland.
They were white!

I also noticed that many of then had clean lines and were very linear-like mine.

Even though I knew this would be a job, I decided to bite the bullet and go for it.

It was as bad as I thought. Getting in all the nooks was tedious. I had to look at it from all different angles to make sure I got it all. Just when I thought I got it all, I would see a spot I missed. What a bizarre way to build a banister but
Bill says it was cheaper to build it this way.

The color is Sherwin Williams, White Duck in a Satin Oil Base Enamel.

It looks cottage instead of Craftsman or 80s Mission Revival. Yeah!

I love it.

I don't have to ignore, ignore, ignore!

Are you wondering why I didn't do this to begin with?
I'll tell you.
About 15 years ago our neighbors painted their cabinets and banister white. 
I didn't like it in their space because it looked cold.
But they had white tile floors, white walls, red leather sofas and a red brick hearth. I don't even think they had window treatments.  
There was no warmth or softness in the space. 
I was left with such a negative impression that for years I wouldn't even consider painting ours.

It is a relief to have this project behind me except for the little bit upstairs.

I can't wait to decorate it for Christmas.
P.S. Don't pin the images that I sourced from Pinterest. 
You can find them on my Stellar Stairs Board. Repin from there, please.   
Linking with, 
Funky Junk Interiors 
Between Naps on the Porch   
A Stroll Thru Life  
Lavender Garden Cottage   
Savvy Southern Style   
French Country Cottage


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