White Cornucopia

I know at one point I had a little wicker cornucopia but 
it hardly held a thing so I gave it away.
I didn't really care to have orange pumpkins hanging around for any length of time after Halloween. Pumpkins and gourds spilling all over the counter seemed annoying to me.

I saw this image on Pinterest and followed the link.
The original came from the At Second Street blog. 

I decided that a white and shabby drop cloth cornucopia would be perfect to get me over my cornucopia bias. 

I had the chicken wire behind the shed. 
(Scary because my exterminator said I had field rats under the shed. 
Nothing up-sells a gal faster than telling her she has rats in the backyard. Cha-ching)

I wrapped and pinched the cornucopia shape.
I didn't have a pattern. I didn't precut.
I just looped enough around until I had the opening as big as I wanted and then I started trimming it down to the end with tin snips. 

I kept wrapping and pinching the wires until I got to the end of the cone. 
Once I was pretty happy with it, I covered it with drop cloth fabric.

I blame my failure to do well in geometry as the reason I don't have a plan for most of my projects. 
I just mess with stuff until it looks okay.
(Really, I get geometry from a just winging it, visual standpoint but I couldn't memorize all those ridiculous theorems.)
Finally, I wrapped a little grapevine around the outside.

My neighbor, Jane, gave me oodles of this stuff.
You can bend it into almost any shape while it is fresh. It's harder to bend once it is dry. 
I plunked a few of my white pumpkins inside and sprinkled some pinecones and acorns around it.

I love it- crazy mis-shappen mess that it is.

 I like that I can still see the chicken wire. 

Now, I just have to keep my brothers away so they don't make fun of it. 
Wisely my husband kept his mouth shut. 
Zip it….


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