Roses & Spring

 It is a beautiful day in Texas. A gorgeous 71 degrees. The problem with these types of days is that it feels like spring but it's not.

We usually have a warm up this time of year but then we get hammered again with cold weather. 

It had me thinking about flowers and since nothing is going on outside, I picked these up at the grocery store. 
I plunked them in a large canning jar and this adorable basket from Walmart. The basket was only $2.98. 
They still had them a few weeks ago if you hurry….

I wish I could grow roses. 
I can't.

My yard just doesn't have enough sun. 

I know how to grow them, when to prune them etc. 
I just don't have any luck with them. 

I have some climbing roses in red that bloom once a year. 
I never have to do a thing with them but they only bloom in April.

Growing tea roses? Not so much. 
I do have one bush of miniature roses.
I got a small plant from one of my students years ago. 
I planted it by chance and it has taken off.  

One little tiny flower in a 3 inch pot became a bush three feet tall by four feet wide. 
The roses above were from that bush. 
They are the most beautiful in November when these pictures were taken. 
Such a gorgeous shade of pink. 
I don't know why November blossoms seem prettier than those from the rest of the season. 
Is it because I know they are the last for the year?

We have been hit with some very cold weather. 
(I think I lost my Asian Star Jamine in the Arctic Vortex.)
It hasn't been too bad of a winter but I just love spring. 

How about you? 


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