Winter Preschool Art

We've had a busy month at school.
We reused our Owl bulletin board and put cotton ball "snow" and snowflakes on it.
The kids made the snowflakes the first day back from Christmas break. 
It was an easy and low key way to ease back into a busy day. 

In the spring we will have the kids make some cherry blossoms. 

We had the kids build these cute snowmen. 
It reinforces small, medium, large, on top of, and shapes.
We did have to remind them to have their circles touching but that was about it. 
Didn't they do a great job?
Older children could cut out their own circles but we did all the cutting. 

We also did an Arctic/Antarctic animal study and made these penguins. 

I love how each one has their own personality. 
I'm not high maintenance about where they put stuff. As long as it looks like what it is supposed to be we allow them to do it themselves. That's what makes it cute to me. Otherwise than the teacher is making all the art. 
That is a no-no in my book.

We hung them next to the blizzard they made with stamps and white paint. 

Two years ago one of the kids busted out singing when we made these; "We're going to a penguin party." 
Soon they were all singing it. It was adorable.
His penguin actually looked like it was dancing. 
We got the idea for these snow globes off of Pinterest.

We are ending the month with our Texas and Cowboy/Cowgirl units.
We made these state shaped flags last week.

We take the opportunity during Art/Craft time to reinforce fine motor skills. 
We also review concepts learned one on one or in smaller groups. 

Our walls are full for the time being.
Soon we'll take all this down and start Valentine's Day stuff.
Thanks for coming by.


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