Antiquing in the Country

It has been a tough couple of weeks. Mr. Bill was sick one weekend and I got sick the next. Two different sicknesses. After two weekends sort of stuck in the house, I was ready to hit the road out to the lake. We were guests at the most wonderful and relaxing spot on Lake Bob Sandlin in East Texas.
Here is a shot of the lake last summer. It was very low due to our drought.

The towns around the lake have charming town squares with darling antique shops.
This time we went to Sulphur Springs, Texas. 
 Town Square Antiques is a wonderful place.

Here are my finds.

I found this cute shelf for $5.OO.
I can't wait to revamp it sort of like this:

I also found two oil paintings

The cottage was $15.00 and the rose was $10.00. I thought both of them were great deals.

This super cute watering can was $9.50. I plan on using this to water my plants in my garden room.

An old drawer and some other cute items. 

I love the shabby French heart
Heart Pillow from Town Square Antiques

I will probably use this escutcheon plate and the little insulator for my shelf somehow. I think that I have an old door knob in the garage somewhere. I may marry the two together. 

I love these Reader's Digest Books. Of course I love the purple color on this one. I love decorating with these and this one was only 50 cents. Maybe I should try reading them!

Thank you to our wonderful host and hostess. 
 We enjoyed a delicious pulled pork sandwich for dinner, a movie and a fabulous view of the lake. It was great to get away, relax, laugh and shop. 
 I am in the midst of painting my garden room. Some of my new finds will end up in there. 

This is what it looked like.
I can't wait to finish! It will be lightened and brightened. 

Sprinkled with fun finds,


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