Thrift Store Cutie

I stop by my favorite thrift store about once a week. It was a Monday afternoon, so there was not a whole lot going on. I think they had spent the day restocking from Saturday. I spied this little cutie sitting off to the side in the shop. Usually furniture is arranged in a vignette. This was just sitting there like it had just been brought in. The store was having a 25% off sale, so she was only $33.75. 
I think that it was originally the upper to some sort of cabinet. (Oh, how I wish I had the bottom too.) 
I love the glass knob. I am really partial to these vintage knobs. But I also love the little closure at the top. It is in pretty good shape. You can see some discoloration in the stain on the top.  

 It reminds me of this piece.

 They both seem like they were made out of leftover pieces of clapboard. Doesn't that seem like what a good re-purposer back in the day would do? Especially those that lived through the depression. It's what our generation has done with fencing and pallets. One look at pinterest and you can see all kinds of fun projects made out of pallets. Our recent economic challenges are reminiscent of those that caused our grandparents to make stuff out of what they had. 
I think that is what I love about both of these pieces. They aren't fancy but they are solid and they are a testament to making do with what you have.    
Enough of that.
She needs a good cleaning and some feet I think, but she will be a perfect bedside table somewhere in the empty nest. 

Sprinkled with thrift,


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