Laundry Room Brackets

I wrote about my laundry room shortly after I started blogging.
The post has had a total of 11 readers. :(
Not a big surprise though, I only had about 6 followers at the time.

I was happy with how it looked in real life, but somehow rooms look different in photos.
Of course now I know all kinds of new tricks about taking pictures but I still thought it needed more.
This room is a beast to photograph.

I always wanted to have cabinets. Our builder didn't splurge on the room by any means.
My plan was to find a cabinet, mount it in the middle above the washer and dryer and re-install shelves on either side.
I love the idea of some hidden storage and the rest display space.

Bill and I saw these shelf brackets at Hobby Lobby back in February.
Hobby Lobby Shelf Brackets
We thought they would be wonderful to redo the shelves in the laundry room. They were only $4.00 a piece because it was half off metal week.
Have I mentioned how much I love Hobby Lobby's 50 percent off sales?

Bill bought the wood to redo the shelves, but I could never find the cabinet.
I thought I saw one at the restore, but Mr. Bill said it was way too heavy to mount on the wall. 
It must have sat on a counter in it's other life.

I came across the brackets a few weeks ago when I cleaned out my fabric closet. I decided to at least mount them in the interim until we find a cabinet.
I screwed the brackets to the wall in front of the support braces. Here they are just decorative.
It was a pretty simple project and totally do-able with some basic skills with a drill.
I had a hard time with a power drill at first, 
but I just kept at it. All it takes is a little practice.
The trick is mastering the forward and reverse function, so that you can drive the screw into the wood or the sheetrock. If you have trouble, make a little pilot hole with a small drill bit. You don't want too big of a hole or the screw won't fit tightly.

Laundry Room Shelf Brackets: Hobby Lobby

 I replaced the brackets that were in the middle. I noticed they didn't even match. The middle brackets actually support the shelf so use anchors if you don't have a stud. 

I had forgotten that Bill added the top shelf shortly after we moved in.

That shelf wasn't screwed in on the ends so it nearly fell on my head when I took the middle bracket off. :/

I picked up this old iron at the thrift store. It reminded me of my mom. I love the black of the iron brackets and the black of the antique accessories.

I can visualize my mom as a little girl playing with her toy washboard.

I  got the old pot at a junk store and put the stickers on it.
The locker basket came from Round Top, Texas.

  A few vintage items for the other wall.
I rescued the old school clock from work.

Bill bought me the Vera Bradley shopping bag.

  We made the wall hook from a piece of architectural salvage and some vintage hooks.

A few of my aprons. I don't like to cook that much, so they don't get used too often. :)

No laundry room would be complete without a chandelier.

Clothes pins. I use them for crafts, not for laundry. 

Having a cute laundry room helps make the task a little easier.

New brackets make them feel like new laundry room shelves.

They are still the same old shelves and they could 
use a coat of paint. 

I just love this vintage iron. I remember my mom had an old coke bottle with some sort of top so she could sprinkle water on the clothes when ironing. I wish I had one of those to complete the look.

One of my readers reminded me of how blessed I am to have a laundry room inside the house.
Our first house had one in the old, nasty, scary garage.
I locked myself out of the house barefoot and pregnant with my
When I called my husband to come let me back in the house, he couldn't get away. I didn't know that until he sent his boss with the key.
I was not happy!!

Do you have any fun laundry room collectibles?
Sprinkled with wrought iron,


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