We don't have a large front porch.
I try to make the most of it.
We replaced our door a few years ago.
We chose this Craftsman style door.
It looks fabulous during the fall.
We got the bushel basket this summer from Hobby Lobby.
It takes 3 mums to fill it.
I picked up the orange Halloween lights a couple of years ago.
The little grandson that visits across the street saw them and loved them.
He made his mommy run out and get some for their house.
The garland is just a grapevine wreath and a leaf garland from Big Lots.
Mr. Bill gets startled by the scarecrow usually once a season. He is a very early riser. If he sees it before his morning coffee he thinks someone is on the porch.
I really should move it, but the thought of him getting startled cracks me up.
I can't tell you how many times Mr. Bill has startled me.
I am easily spooked.
We found this light at a garage sale for $5.00. I thought we would get new glass for it, but the amber glass looks beautiful during autumn.
I promise I didn't see my scarecrow was leaning when I took these pictures. I would have taken new photos but kept humming,
"What do you do with a drunken scarecrow" so I decided to leave him.
I pulled the wagon out of someone's trash.
We get a fair amount of trick or treaters in our neighborhood.
I think they will enjoy coming to the door.
Now I just need to stock up on candy.
Sprinkled with Halloween decor,
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