Lime Green and White Pumpkins

 I changed my fall decor after we got the cabinets painted. 
I have wanted a white kitchen for so long, I didn't really want to put  too much orange in the finished space. 
I just got rid of orange oak cabinets so I didn't want to add orange back in.
This season I have been drawn time and time again to green and neutrals. 
I found these green leaves at Tom Thumb.
 I love them. 
A lovely chartreuse.

The leaves  don't typically change color in our neck of the woods until November.
This shade of green is a little out of the norm for me and since the leaves are still green outside, I think they are perfect.
I love using natural elements in my decorating.

I have paired the leaves with some white pumpkins. 
I know they are all the rage, but I never noticed them in the store until this year.

I love these peach colored roses and white pumpkins.

I went on a quest and spray painted some of my older ceramic, wood and resin pumpkins white.

The green and white together is so calming.

Nothing feels overdone.
I put some dried hydrangeas with some white pumpkins. 
I've sprinkled a few burlap pumpkins in the mix, just to change it up a little.

My sister in law and I each made a burlap memory board. 
I filled mine with vintage postcards and a picture of Rebekah at the pumpkin patch. 
She was about 5 at the time.
I am crazy about vintage postcards 
This one of the birch trees and the canoe is just so cute.

 I bought this sweet fellow of off e-bay.

Finally I will show off my first painted sign. 
I saw this craft on Pinterest done by 
Sweet Something Design.
I had a fun Sunday afternoon painting. It isn't perfect but I love how it turned out. 
I love how the house feels decorated for fall but not decorated, you know what I mean?  
Sprinkled with neutrals and green,
Linking with,  
 Savvy Southern Style  
The Brambleberry Cottage 
French Country Cottage  
Debbie Doos Power of Pinterest Party



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