Christmas Dishes

I have a large family.
 I love Christmas and I love dishes.
Quite a few years back, I found a few pieces of Spode Christmas Tree dishes at one of the thrift stores. 
Around the corner at the Salvation Army I  found a stack of Cuthbertson 
Christmas tree dishes.

Cuthbertson Original Christmas Tree
 The whole lot only cost about 13 bucks.
I planned to mix and match Christmas tree plates. 
 I have been on the hunt for
thrifty Christmas dishes ever since.
I am not too picky.
Christmas Tree-Spode
As long as they have a cute motif and they are decent maker, I will pick them up at thrift stores, outlet stores or on sale somewhere.
It didn't take long and I had enough to feed about 26 people.
I will set the different tables with different patterns.
Holly plates from Japan

 I found these with holly a few years ago. 
They set a super cute table.

I picked up the red and clear glassware at my favorite thrift store.

I've tried to get the now adult kids pick a place setting at a different table not just the kid table.

They always go back to the kid table.
Holiday Season-Mikasa

  My husband thought it a terrible waste to have Christmas dishes.

Victorian Christmas- Johnson Brothers

We eat off the ones that are dishwasher safe throughout the month of December.

We use the Friendly Village pattern until there is no possibility of snow left in the forecast.
I think it is festive for just the two of us.

For the purposes of lighting, I set the little ice cream table in the sunroom.
Friendly Village-Johnson Brothers

During a party or family event, I will have tables in several different rooms.
I hope you can find some thrifty china for your holiday.
Sprinkled with Christmas china,

Linking with, 
Savvy Southern Style  
Feathered Nest Friday  
Between Naps on the Porch


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