New White Sheers in Master

 Several rooms have gotten a fresh coat of paint in the last year.
The outside is getting one as well.
I still have so much to do. The entryway and stairwell haven't been painted in over 10 years and 
I won't really have the time to paint anything until next summer.

In the meantime my room is looking particularly dingy.

The walls are Antique White by ColorPlace.
Walmart's brand of paint. 
I used to hear that ColorPlace was made by Sherwin Williams, but I don't know if that is true anymore.

I don't know if the walls have yellowed over the years or if I am just over this color.

 I feel like I  need to change it up. 

I redid the bedding this past spring.

I tweaked it a little for winter by removing the green pillow cases and the pastel needlepoint pillows.
I went with all white instead. 
I found some sheer curtain panels for $14.99 a pair at Tuesday Morning. 
They replaced the tan ones I had in here. 
I thought about raising the rods to accommodate the extra length of these curtains but decided to keep them "as is" because of the silly eyebrow window. 

  I like how they puddle.

I'm pretty pleased with the result. 

The room looks lighter and brighter.

 I white washed this antique mirror frame and placed some dried hydrangeas on an old shelf.
We have had the shelf for ages but  we haven't used it since way before Chris moved out.
I painted it white a few months ago but it just went back out into the garage until I tried it here.

I  bought some hydrangeas off of e-bay because I just had no luck drying them. 
Most of them were blue, but there were also some gorgeous purple ones in the box.
They were quite reasonable. 
They were  $16.00 for about 18 flowers and that included the shipping.
That is way less than I spent trying to dry them.

  I love how the sheers blow with the ceiling fan.

The ceiling fan runs for about 9 months a year in Texas.
Although, we are finally having a bit of winter weather.

I pulled out the pine tree wool blanket in case we get chilly.

Sprinkled with gauzy white,
Linking with,   
French Country Cottage   
Debbie Doos  


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