The Rescued Gingerbread Man

My Daughter popped in at my favorite thrift to check out the books.
She has her own place now so she went into the Christmas section. 
She stopped by the house on her way home and brought me something she had rescued.
Just about every year for the past almost 30 years of our marriage I have made ornaments to give away.
They are fun to look at because the chronicle all the styles and moods I have been in each Christmas.
When I first started putting up a gingerbread tree, I made some gingerbread men.

She saw this little guy and thought that someone discarded one of my creations. 
I have given them to teachers and friends throughout the years, so it seemed entirely possible that someone got rid of  it.
It was so sweet of her to rescue it for me.

it wasn't one of mine.
Oh, it looked  like one of mine
the initials on the back were the same initials as mine.

In fact they looked just like my initials.

it was not one that I made.
 I am glad she rescued it.
I will treasure it.
Someone took the time to make him and he is a cute gingerbread man.
The primary reason I will treasure him is the 
sweet sentiment  I felt 
 when my daughter rescued him for me.
Sprinkled with a gingerbread rescue,


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