
The formal dining room doesn't get used much at my house unless we are hosting a dinner.
It has been used for puzzles, scrapbooking or just plopping stuff on the table. I am always on the look out for unique and fun stuff to decorate the space so it can look pretty and dramatic. The great thing about our dining area is that it is almost always neat and clean, which is good because it is the first room seen from the front door.
I was at my favorite thrift and I saw two lamps. 
I was so confused by them. 
They were reproduction lamps based on French Empire Antiques. There were candle arms that were designed to hold real candles under the shade.
Wouldn't real candles burn a lampshade? 

The ones that I found were pot or cast metal from the 60's. 

Pot metal was like the resin of today. I think many affordable lamps were made this way.

Would you be able to look past the ugly of these?
It took me three trips to the thrift before I could. 

 I paid $10.00 each. That is the going rate for lamps at my thrift store. 
As soon as I got home I dismantled the lamp. 

I unscrewed the lamp socket,
and cut off the cord.

I was left with a hole at the top of the lamp.
I screwed in a finial that I picked up at Ace Hardware. 
Be sure to hold the nut at the bottom to tighten the lamp. 
Out to the yard for spray paint. Orb of course.
Now I have two candlabras instead of wacky lamps. I thought $20..00 a little high for very outdated lamps, but  I think it pretty good for these.
 I added some crystals.
They looked fabulous burning when trick or treaters came to the door.

They look so good with the spray painted chandelier. Read about it here.

 What do you think? 

With the candles they stand about 2 feet tall. 
Sprinkled with drama,



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