Dallas Premiere

I was a huge fan of the T.V. show Dallas. I moved to the Dallas area in 1978 the year that the show aired as a mini series. 
I don't think I watched it the first season but I became hooked on the later seasons.  I didn't really live in Dallas full time then, but wondered how the show compaired to the real Dallas.
I assumed everyone wore cowboy hats and boots.
I thought anyone who was anyone went to the Cattle Barron's ball.
I assumed there was a ranch next to every suburban faux plantation house. 

None of these was a reality, but that didn't matter because I loved that show. I got hooked on a daytime soap at 13 visiting my grandparents. I loved the night time soap opera format as well.
I confess I stopped watching the series at some point 
before season 13. 
I think they lost me the season Bobby appeared in the shower and all of season eight had been a dream. By that time in my life, I had small kids in the house and nobody could watch Dallas with me.

However, I was thrilled to be asked to go to the premiere with my brother last Thursday night.
It was at the Windspear Opera House in Dallas.

I have never done anything like this in my entire life. The closest I have ever come to meeting a celebrity came when I almost ran into the owner of one of the major furniture stores in town. I recognized him from the commercials he makes for his store.
I was a little tongue tied when I saw him. My daughter and husband laugh about it to this day.
"Oh hi Mr. Stacy." was all I could say. 
I don't know why  I had to say anything at all. 

My brother and I got to walk on the red carpet into the theater. It was good practice for when I fulfill by lifelong dream of being on "Dancing With The Stars." Okay it isn't a lifelong dream, but one I have had for a few of the seasons. (I really think I need to retire the dream soon, I don't want to be one of the elderly contestants ;)
We watched the pilot and the first episode. I felt the same thrill I felt every Friday night when the title sequence and theme song played. 
The pilot was filmed primarily in L.A.
The first episode and all the others in the first season were filmed in Dallas. 

It was wonderful to watch. There were the old characters to love and new ones to get to know.
 The twists and turns in the plot coincided with quite a bit of backstabbing. When they played the credits,  I felt the same way I did years ago.  
I couldn't wait for the next episode! 
After the showing we had hors d'oeuvres catered by Wolfgang Puck. To be honest I can't remember what I ate except for the quail. We were famished at this point.

We were told that it was okay to approach the cast to get pictures taken. I remembered my experience with Mr. Stacy and didn't want to repeat it and embarrass my brother. This was a work thing for him after all. We got a glimpse of Bobby and J.R. from across the theater but how cool would it be to meet them?

The actors were chatting with fans and getting pictures taken. 
We started with the actor Josh Henderson who plays 
John Ross, J.R and Sue Ellen's son.

We chatted it up with Jesse Metcalfe. 
He was very nice and my oh my, he is handsome!

Brenda Strong was also just gorgeous. She is 52 if you can believe that!
Link to TNT

But my big goal of the evening was getting my picture with Patrick Duffy.

He was very gracious and happy to chat and shake hands with the fans.
We tried to get our picture with Linda Gray but she was mobbed by people.
Larry Hagman's people pushed us in to get a picture.

I have to say that I had the best time. It is like nothing I have ever done before.
I give a special thanks to my sister in law for giving me her ticket. She wasn't a big fan of the old show and knew that I was.
All in all I recommend giving this new Dallas a try. 
It brought back so many fun memories. 

Sprinkled with Ewing Oil,

Linking with,
Debbie Doos Newbie Party 
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style


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