Repurposed Item From The Past

He knew this would happen.
He told me it would, but I didn’t believe him.
The cribs that we have stored in the attic for 21 years should not be used. Millions of cribs made before 2007 have been recalled.
I would not feel good about having my grandchildren (grandchildren that I hope to have someday) in cribs that were a potential hazard.
When I was looking up the measurement for a full size head board it dawned on me that the side of a crib might be the same width as a full mattress. When I went in the attic to look at the two I had up there, I realized that the side rails on our cribs were pretty nondescript, that the most interesting parts of the bed were the head and foot.
For some reason we didn’t only have the crib that my children slept in but also the crib that my husband and his siblings slept in .
That one was more interesting and it fit the colors in the room. 

I knew there was no way that a baby would ever sleep in that bed again. 
I put the head rail and foot rail together attached to the wall.

You have read about the bedding. Here. 
I love the new chandelier. Here.
This room has come together so well.
I can't wait for guests. It will also get used when one of us has trouble sleeping and is afraid to wake up the other.
I have plans to use all the other parts as well.
Maybe Mr Bill can even make something out of the bed my children used.

Sprinkled with crib parts,


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