Summer Evenings on the Deck

It’s time to move out doors.
I love summer evenings out on the deck relaxing at the end of the day.
We built the deck about 3 years ago.
Our yard has been a continuous work in progress for almost all of the 20 years we have lived here. 
There was very little planted. Just grass, five trees and a few vines. 
We enclosed the porch. Read about it here and here.
When we poured the foundation for the sunroom, our concrete guy poured us a little semi-circle patio.
The workers didn't swing out in as much of an arch as I would have like, so the area was just a tad bigger than our round table.
There was not even room for a grill. 
Bill decided to build a deck from the door of the sunroom all the way to the shed.

Sorry about the quality-pre blogger days.
The garden that was here would take a lot of heat and sun in July and August so basically anything I planted would start to burn up, so I don't miss the additional planting bed.
Mr. Bill did the work himself with a little help from me. 
I had to hold up the supports while he drilled them in the brackets.
             The decking was a family project. 

My husband has taught our boys some wonderful wood working skills.
His work cantilevering the stairs is amazing.

One of our first evenings on the porch celebrating a birthday.
Now, of course you want the pretty pictures of furniture and flowers. Right?

  Red spoke to me while I was at Walmart. 

 The polka dot outdoor canvas was on clearance for $5.00 a yard.  Usually I have tons of waste when I sew. This time I had them cut the fabric to the inch of what I wanted the pillows to be. 
 The blue and white stripe fabric came from the thrift store last summer. I think it was $1.00 a yard. I have had the quilt for a long time. We had a rare cool front. I hope it won't be our last. 

 I pulled the fire engine out of my neighbor's trash. It has been one of my favorite garden ornaments since then. I just could not see this darling truck sent to the dump!   

 The Adam's china came from my favorite thrift store. I was tickled to get the set of 12 for $30.00. I was really nerdy and looked up what it would cost at Replacements Ltd. $1700.00. There were platters, vegetable bowls, gravy boat, everything. I couldn't believe it. This was our second choice when we registered for our wedding. It's so fun for summer! 
  I found this little jar caddy on clearance after Christmas at Walmart. I have been collecting jars since then. The canning lids keep the flies out
The Gerber Daisy came from one of my sweet students. 

Total spent on this makeover to spruce it up:
Pillows $5.00
Table cloth $4.00
Red planter and Purslaine $8.50.
Geranium $7.50
Watering Can $3.00
Caddy and lids $6.50
Everything else we already had. 
I love the deck.
Mr. Bill added so much usable square footage to our yard. 
A bonus to him? Less yard to mow.
I am on a mission to look for outdoor fabric to recover some of the cushions. I have an idea and will get back to you on that.
Time to light the candles and listen to the sounds of the night.
Sprinkled with the summer relaxation,


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