Thank you and Stuff

I just wanted to cover a few things.
 I want to say a big thank you to 
for the features of my sick bed post this week.
 It is a thrill to be recognized! 
Thanks to these blogs and others on my blogroll.
(The blogroll is the scrolling  list on my side bar.
It is constantly updated as blogs publish a new post.)
These blogs do so much to help smaller blogs get off the ground.  
You can see a list of other blogs on my sidebar that have featured Let's Add Sprinkles.
Visit them by clicking on the button.
I love seeing what other blogs are up to.
If you would like, you can become a follower of my blog.
I have followed many blogs and I promise you won't get spammed.
I love your comments.
I try to answer each and every one.
So please comment if you wish.
Thank you!!

Sprinkled with the details of blogging,


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