Winter White 2013

Does it seem like January is a time to nest?
The house feels a tad empty once all the Christmas stuff is put away.
I am trying to keep my winter decor natural this year.  

I left out the pinecones and a few pinecone dishes.

My neighbor gave me this cute snowman last year as a thank you for taking care of her kitties.  
I put him out after I put all the Christmas red away.
The brown transferware is warm and welcoming for winter.

I got the Chick-a-dee statue at the thrift store for 
99 cents. 
I love inexpensive statuary that is seasonal. 
It is such a small investment that I don't feel bad for only having it out for a month or so.
Watching my winter birds at the feeder is one of my favorite things to do, so they fit right in.
I already had plenty of white candlesticks sprinkled about. I dug around the house for any in silver.
  I found three vintage candlesticks in the cabinet when I was digging out my platters for Christmas.
I masked the silver and painted the wood white.
I love them. 

I forced some Paperwhites.
They are almost finished blooming.
I also got some fake Paperwhites from Pottery Barn.
For the bedroom, I would rather go with faux. 
The smell of Narcissus is pretty strong. 
The votives are from the same shopping excursion. 

The throw came from P.B. as well. 
I ordered it online when it was about 70% off. 
We have throws everywhere because I am always freezing. 

I hope you are enjoying these slower winter days. 
They are perfect for reading a book in front of the fire.
Sprinkled with winter white,
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Savvy Southern Style  
French Country Cottage  
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