I think I mentioned in my last post that I was a little behind on blogging because I caught some sort of upper respiratory infection.
I moved from my bed to the sofa and then back to bed for days on end.
As I was laying in bed one day, I realized that my view from my side of the bed is pretty cute.
I have tweaked and tweaked my room in the past few months in an attempt to lighten it and brighten it.
I am happy with the results and I thought you might like to see too.
The armoire used to be in the living room until we got the new entertainment cabinet.
It is a much better match for this room than the medium oak armoire that was in here.
This one is a sentimental piece. We bought it with one of our first tax returns. It provides tons of storage.
I finally settled on a piece for in between the windows.
I found this dresser at Trader's Village in Grand Prairie, Tx. about 32 years ago.
They still have the same flea market every weekend.
It is mostly cheap junk.
Of course, you may think my little dresser is junk but I love it.
It has been all over this house.
This is the view to the left of my bed.
I bought the little shelves eons ago out at Canton.
I always thought I would replace them with a Victorian hanging cabinet of some sort.
I just haven't found anything I like better for a price I am willing to pay.
Our secretary is in the other corner.
I just recently put all white dishes in it.
The white really pops off of the wood.
I plan on recovering the little chair in drop cloth material. I might even paint it white.
It was irritating me that I was in bed rather than doing some projects.
I guess the Lord knew I needed to slow it down.
Sprinkled with a view,
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