Lovely Burlap Accents For Fall

Burlap has already made a good showing around here this fall.

I loved it with apples in the kitchen. 

I tucked a piece under a mum and under a pumpkin or two.

Most of my burlap was left over from my brother's big 50th party.
My sister-in-law was happy to share some with me. 
It has the perfect color and texture for fall decor.
I was doing some fall inspiration pinning and saw some burlap sunflowers. 

I ran to Hobby Lobby to see if they had any.

Hobby Lobby didn't disappoint and they were on sale.

They are cute paired with my burlap pumpkins. 

 I tucked them and some dried bittersweet in the wreath on the front door.  
The bittersweet was an eBay purchase from up north because I don't think we have it in Texas.  
It came a day or two after it was picked and it's drying beautifully. I love the yellow and orange! 

 The scarecrow also came from an eBay last year. 
I'm still smitten with him.

You can read about how to make a table runner in this post. 

Oh burlap!
I'm still in love.

Linking with,
    Between Naps on the Porch
 Savvy Southern Style 
A Stroll Through Life   
Feather Nest Friday   
The Charm of Home


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