Please Dress Responsibly

We have all seen them. 
The unfortunate People of Walmart images.
(FYI- It seems a little mean to take a picture of someone's unfortunate shopping attire. Just sayin.)
I have seen some interesting sights at Walmart but I have also seen them elsewhere. 
"Give pants a chance." 
"Make pants not tights."
are two slogans that come to mind after an unfortunate sighting at church!
I know, I know, I really should be concentrating on the sermon but I'm a little ADHD. 
But tights are no substitute for leggings or skinny jeans.
I am fine with leggings or tights with a dress, even a mini dress. 
But for most of us tights should be not worn with a shirt. 
Nobody wants to see that.
Except on this girl-

I guess I must be old because this is a popular trend. 
As sweater and legging's/tight's season approaches, please dress responsibly!

I have not been compensated (by the tight's industry) in anyway for this post. 


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