White Kitchen Cabinets

It has been a year since we had the cabinets painted and I have to say that I love my white kitchen. 

The kitchen is so much lighter and brighter.  

Let me tell you, it was worth getting this done.
Bill sort of balked at how much it cost to have painters do this for us but he loves it. 
I knew that I wouldn't get a finish that would hold up over time if I painted these myself. 
 I would also always see the imperfections in a DIY job. 

I have had a few nicks and dings over the course of the year but we have plenty of paint left over for touch ups. 

I was over the 90's look and feel of this space before.
The orange oak color was so dark and dated.

The paint and the appliances updated the room without costing us a fortune. 

Read about how I created display shelves in this post.

I love, love, love having a place to display china in the kitchen.

I finally got the molding installed on the top of my Re-Store find.
I found the small cabinet at the Re-Store for only $25.00 shortly before we painted. 
It adds just a bit of a staggered look to boring builder grade cabinets. 
The painter took it down and painted it as if it were normal to have an added cabinet on top of existing cabinets.

My friend asked what the cabinet was for. 
If I were to get new cabinets today, I would have most of the the cabinetry go all the way to the top but most likely I would have a staggered look and some open shelving.

The little cabinet breaks up a visual line that wrapped around the room at the top of the cabinets, giving the room a little more interest. I am pleased as punch that I was able to cut the molding for this myself. 
I hate cutting mitered corners.

I loved having all the display space above the cabinets 20 years ago. Now I wish I had the extra storage cabinetry would provide. 
I have an idea up my sleeve for the space in the center above the microwave. 
I will let you know if I can get that done. Bill will have to help me with lumber. 

I love my kitchen. 



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