2013 Most Viewed Posts.

I wasn't going to do a top 2013 post but I got curious after seeing other posts about the year. 
It is kind of an easy post to do. 
All the pictures are already there on my computer.


I thought I knew what the top post would be and I was right. 
My top post is our bathroom remodel.
We had no plans to do this in 2013 until we found mold in February.
It was an exciting albeit stressful endeavor but we are thrilled with our bathroom. Bill has given me the go ahead to redo our powder room shower. 
I will get on that sometime this spring. 


A very close second is our Bathroom Countertop in the kid's bath. 
Let me tell you that we did this thinking we were empty nesters. I thought it would only get used by overnight guest but each of our children has made a pitstop back into the household this year and the countertop is holding up great. 
It looks just like like it did in March. 
Shout out to marine finish polyurethane. 

 The third most viewed post this year is our sunroom.
It wasn't a makeover but just a reveal. 

It's my favorite room in the house and it's the most fun to decorate for holidays and seasons. 
I'm trying to tweak it now that Christmas is all packed up. 

Most post revealing our Ikea Curtains  is very Google driven. Many people do searches for Ikea Curtains. I still love these curtains and I recommend them to my friends because they are very affordable. You can get extra long lengths which are very hard to find at other big box stores. 


  A new lining for a vintage Louis Vuitton bag is a popular post. I guess others had the same problem I did. 

I am glad I went through my archives and checked stats. It was interesting to see what people search for and read. 
I am a little frustrated at times that Let's Add Sprinkles isn't just blowing up in blogland. I have given thought to how to grow it but when it comes down to it, I like blogging and I like my part time job. I think I would have to give up my job and I don't want to do that. 
I also don't need another excuse to mole around at home. 
I can get a little too introverted at times as it is. 
So far I think that I have achieved a good balance.
 I wish I had more time to blog hop and leave comments on all the other fun blogs I read. I know it would help my traffic and increase my comments but I want my friends to come back because they want to not because they feel obligated to. 
I appreciate all of you that stop in and check out what we are up to over here.  
Happy New Year!


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