Christmas in the Den

The den is the old game room at the top of the stairs. It's where we put the kid's T.V. and video games when they were little. 

Bill has taken it over this room as his man cave. 
I found this buffalo check plaid throw years ago.

I love pulling this out for the winter. 
I found the Santa pillow at the thrift store.

I started putting up a tree in this room when the kids were little. It was the "kid" tree for all the ornaments they had received over the years and for the cute ones they made in school.

I didn't feel like messing with all that so instead I set up an old alpine tree from Hobby Lobby. The lights on this one went out a few years ago so I wrapped a few strings of colored lights on it. I tucked in a few black bears.

We were going to make a coffee table out of the old door. 
Bill went a different direction but the door never moved from where we were comparing the finish on it and the finish on the media center. 

I hung a wreath on it.

We've had the chair back from the upholsterer for about a year. I still love it. 

The woodland looking Santa was from Target a while ago. 

This little Santa still wears his wind suit material from the 90s. I think he can still pull it off. 
It's a hold over from when the kids were little. It used to play music but that quit years ago. 

The picture is of my mom and dad holding me as an infant. 
The scout mug came from Bill's dad.

I found the Dept.56 log cabin in 2010. It is still one of my favorite pieces to pull out.

This cabinet came from my Father in law's garage. He used to store paint on the shelves. We store DVDs.  

Even though it seemed a little doubtful at times, I did manage to get everything done. I still have three presents to wrap and that is it! 
I just want to thank my blogging friends for their prayers this past month. 
 It's no fun grieving at Christmas and hopefully, having been through it, I will be kinder to others as they go through tough times during the holidays.  
Merry Christmas!
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A Stroll Thru Life 


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