Christmas in the Kitchen

Everyone is doing it
I've seen so many cute cars with trees strapped to them that I had to have one too. 
I pondered where to get an old vintage vehicle when I remembered I had this one upstairs.

I got several mini white trees at Walmart. 
Oh so cute!
This little item has set the tone for the rest of the kitchen.

I loved the car so much that when I saw this little truck at CVS, I knew it had a perfect vintage style for a tree of it's own.

The pie safe was in the laundry room. I moved it in here and painted it when I painted the buffet in the dining room. 
You haven't gotten to see it yet but let me say, I love it white!  

It fits perfectly under the stairs. 
I think this piece was once part of a bedroom set from the 40s.It had solid panel doors but I took the panels out and put in chicken wire so I could see my cute white stuff.
When I was a new teacher just starting out, I found a pie safe out in Canton (you have got to come to Texas and go to Canton,) for $100.00. I didn't get it and have kicked myself a dozen times over it. Back then $100.00 was a fortune. I had a choice between eating or getting the pie safe. I like to eat! 
Bill and I saw this piece shortly after we got married for $35.00. It had the same lines as the pie safe that I left behind. I've pondered letting it go but it has such a redemptive story. :)

It has been in almost every room. 

I carried the cottage and pine tree theme around the room.

There are pinecones in this room too.

The bear was a birthday gift bought for me in Alaska.

I'm wild about pinecone dishes.

I found the white Santa mugs years ago. 
 They are one thing I put out every year regardless of my theme.

There are a few pops of red.

The vintage stockings were from my grandparents.

A very gnomish elf sits next to our Target lantern.

I knew I would love a wreath on the new vent hood cover.

Thank you all for your kind words on my last post. 
Blogging is so therapeutic. It is my journal of sorts, and it soothes the soul to share my struggle. 
Thanks for stopping in,
Between Naps on the Porch   
Amaze Me Monday  
A Stroll Thru Life     
Cozy Little House


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